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The Next Moment Belongs To You...


There is no one, no thing, no god, no nothing, that could occupy the combination of time and the physical realm that you are about to move into. It can't happen. The next moment is yours no matter what. You are just about to put yourself there, you are aware of your surroundings, you make a myriad of decisions, from the blinking of an eye to the beat of your heart to the coordination of motor skills, and you go there. There may be people all around you, pushing you, forcing you down, but no one is in that spot but you. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but it's still you and only you. And the decisions you are making are still making the next moment yours. Should you fight back? How much? With what? Should you totally give in and lay there? How long? Should I run now? I'm sure you get the picture. A couple of moments from now... who knows? You certainly don't. And no one else can. The next one is always yours. And the one after that...and after that, one at a time. No matter if your greatest enemy is in your face, if you are waking up by yourself, or in a crowd, the next moment is a product of your most recent thoughts and actions and could not have been predicated or predetermined. You have thought it yourself and acted yourself into. Not even you knew ahead of time what would happen, but you do now, because that moment was yours.



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