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God Knows Nothing.....



Well, maybe not about us anyway.

God is clearly an intelligent being, but can God actually interact with us, see what we see, ride a bike?  No way.  It would take body parts to do the things we do, and the Hubble telescope has shown us that if God does have a physical presence, then God is either invisible, or so large that it would take a God-sized electron microscope to even get a glimpse of what we are about!  At this point, I think we, the Amercan people/culture, need to accept that God is much more universal than "image and likeness' has led us to believe.  If we are made in God's image (head, feet, legs, thinking, etc.) then God must be really, REALLY!, REALLLYY!!!  BIG.  We would have to be the equivalent of a germ or bacteria, or the like, in a symbiotic give and take relationship with our host (God)

That's option 1 -- God is REALLY big.

So what if it's more like God is omnipotent, everywhere, all the time, knows all and sees all, that God just 'knows' the words on this page?   In that case, God would clearly not be in our image and likeness.  I know a lot of people claim a lot of power and powers, but I've never heard one claim omnipotence, so I'm fairly confident about this.  If people haven't bragged about it, we probably don't have it.  So we have to deal with God as being almost inconceivable to us, a part and parcel of everything, nothing else exists but God, there is no central point of reference, no point of view, no one or nothing else.  And this is what I mean by 'god knows nothing'.  Can God read a book?  No way.  God is the Book.  And the Ink.  And the Light that reflects the Color.  Can God lead Himself?  Can a horse ride itself?  Doesn't thinking about something imply the existence of something else?  And if God is everything, how could there be other things to do?   I bet God can't even read in the same way that we can't be someone else. 

That's option 2 -- God is everywhere all the time.

Which leads to option 3 -- All of the above.  

If God is really big, and everywhere all the time, maybe we are just a small part of a big thing we've grown to call God.

So back to the topic...Does God know anything at all?  That could be yes or no.   God may know everything and anything, or God may just be everything, and not have to "know" it.  It's clear to me that God does not interact/interrupt/consciously decide how to influence us, etc, at the thought or physical level.  We probably can perceive God, feel God, hear God as vibrations, energy, feelings, "instincts" etc, but God is not very much like us and these perceptions are vague and subtle at best.  My friend Robert thinks it's just that we got the image and likeness vibe wrong.   He thinks it was supposed to be,


God imagined us (as in used imagination) and


God liked us.

So it's not really that God knows nothing.  God just doesn't know things in the same way as we do.  God doesn't have eyes to create images, God is the Image.  God doesn't hold a pencil, God is the Pencil.  God is Everything (what humans often forget is that there is no empty space between us and that a pencil is alive and full of (molecular) movement and life).  And the goodness of God that people need so much, is still there, even though God is not "watching."  I am God, You are God, We are God.  The positive forces of life and goodness are there in every minute molecule of life.  God is just a Breathe away :-)  It is our option to act on them. 

Some people fear that the nonexistence of God as a punisher will lead to a world of anarchy and hate. That if the security of having consequences keeps us from doing bad is taken away, people will no longer constrain themselves out of fear of going to hell and go wild.  Could happen, and probably would, to an extent.  People have a lot of pent-up anger in them in the same way a young adult has a pent-up desire to drink alcohol as they approach the age of drinking.  But the ensuing drunk on a certain birthday does not make the person an alcoholic any more than the release of meanness makes a person evil.  So sure, we would have a lot of problems to deal with by taking away our sergeant of arms in the sky , but we have a lot of problems now, so what's new?  And by adding a more realistic view of life (ie. I can't count on God to do things for me) we will create a life more in balance for many people, thus creating a better life for the individual, for the family, for the culture.

Comments (1)

Jan 20, 2023

Intriguing perspectives. For those of us who believe Yahusha Ha-Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) is the only begotten Son of Elohim, who was incarnated in the flesh, died, & was raised to eternal life, and now sits at the "right hand of the Father," there is another option. The Son fully experienced what it is to be human. *He knows.* AND He also knows and has revealed to us how to be at peace, through Himself, with our Amazing Heavenly Father. Shalom, Griff.

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